PHP & Laravel Packages

Available Esensi components and packages


Private Dual-Licensed v1.0.0

A package that aggregates events, metrics, and other activity logs into an audit log that can be used to drive graph, dashboards, and other data-driven insights.


Open Source MIT v1.0.0

A package that provides the foundational components of Esensi. This package provides core patterns and commonly extended base classes and traits to all other packages of the Esensi platform.

Github Star


Open Source MIT v1.0.0

A customized fork of the Laravel framework that provides many of the Esensi components in a fresh install. This is basically awesome Laravel boilerplate application. If you are starting a new Esensi-based project then you should start by forking this repository which includes all available Esensi component packages as Composer dependencies.

Github Star


Open Source MIT v1.0.0

A package that extends Laravel's Eloquent ORM with traits suitable for validating, purging, hashing, encrypting, and soft-deleting models with ease. It also supports short-hand for model relationships.

Github Star


Open Source MIT v1.0.0

A package that returns the familiar namespaced translations and configs from Laravel 4 to Laravel 5 installations. It also adds namespaced aliases and YAML configs for better package development.

Github Star


Private Dual-Licensed v1.0.0

A package inspired by the simplicity of a static site builder like Jekyll, it uses flat files comprised of Blade and Markdown views to automagically map routes to appropriate static pages. This package provides a functional blog complete with RSS feed and XML sitemap.


Private Dual-Licensed v1.0.0

A package that provides complete user management including group and permission access controls, authentication, intrusion detection, throttling, and more. Fully integrated with esensi/activity, this package makes it possible to also monitor and track key user stats like number of registrations and attempted logins.

Coded by SiteRocket Labs

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